Free Sharing of Marine Equipment

In recent years, marine safety issues have frequently occurred, and have risen to a major challenge that needs to be addressed by all countries in the world. In view of this, FRANKSTAR TECHNOLOGY has continued to deepen its research and development of marine scientific research and monitoring equipment for ten years, and jointly held the “Marine Equipment Free Sharing Ceremony” on June 20, 2024. It aims to promote marine scientific research innovation and protect marine ecology by sharing advanced technologies. Now, we sincerely invite experts and scholars in the field of marine scientific research at home and abroad to participate and contribute to marine protection and sustainable development!


Sharing resources
Free sharing of marine equipment can promote scientific research exchanges, share resources between teams, and cooperate in research and development, thereby promoting the continuous emergence of scientific research results.

Protect the ocean together
This move will attract more companies and institutions to pay attention to the ocean, stimulate the public’s enthusiasm for marine protection, jointly protect the blue treasure, and promote the sustainable development of the marine industry.



Support marine scientific research and industrial development
This plan breaks down barriers, shares resources, reduces scientific research costs, and helps scientific research and industry achieve outstanding achievements.

Promote the popularization of marine equipment
This plan can widely demonstrate the advanced performance and excellent quality of self-developed marine equipment, thereby attracting more scientific research and industrial units to use domestic equipment.



1-year use rights for marine equipment
During this period, participating units can make full use of shared equipment for scientific research or production activities.

1-year use rights for operating system and supporting software
So that the user unit can better manage and utilize equipment resources.

Application technology training
Help the user unit become familiar with and master the basic operation and technical points of the equipment.


Equipment include: 


Interested? Contact us! 

Post time: Jun-21-2024